新视野大学英语第三版 第二册 读写教程 课文原文及翻译Unit 5

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新视野大学英语第三版 第二册 读写教程 课文原文及翻译Unit 5

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Section A Spend or save — The student's dilemma


1 Do you feel as confused and manipulated as I do with this question, "Should I spend or should I save?" I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy common sense and contradict each other. The government tells us to spend or we'll never get out of the recession. At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in grave danger. Banks offer higher interest rates so we increase savings. Then the same banks send us credit card offers so we can spend more.

1 你是不是跟我一样对“我应该花钱还是存钱”这个问题感到困惑,且有被操纵的感觉? 我觉 得我们从生活的环境里所获得的信息似乎是有违常识、互相矛盾的。 政府告诉我们要花钱, 否则我们将永远走不出衰退;与此同时,他们又告诉我们,除非我们节省更多的钱,否则我 们的国家会处于严重危险之中。 银行提供较高的利率以增加储蓄。 然后,同样是这些银行 又提供信用卡让我们可以花更多的钱。

2 Here's another familiar example: If we don't pay our credit card bill on time, we get demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like: "Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or you'll be in trouble!" Then, as soon as we pay, we get a follow-up email in a charming tone telling us how valuable a customer we are and encouraging us to resume spending.Which depiction is correct: a failing consumer in trouble or a valued customer? The gap between these two messages is enormous.

2 这里还有一个大家熟悉的例子:如果我们不按时支付信用卡账单,我们会收到从信用卡 公司发来的类似这样的令人讨厌的催缴账单的电子邮件:不还款是不可接受的。请立即缴付, 否则后果自负! 之后,一旦还款,我们就会收到一封跟进的电子邮件,语气和蔼可亲,说 我们是多么宝贵的客户,并鼓励我们继续花钱。 到底哪一个描述是正确的?有麻烦的失败 消费者还是宝贵的客户? 这两者之间可是天壤之别!

3 The paradox is that every day we get two sets of messages at odds with each other. One is the "permissive" perspective, "Buy, spend, get it now. You need this!" The other we could call an "upright" message, which urges us, "Work hard and save. Suspend your desires. Avoid luxuries. Control your appetite for more than you truly need." This message comes to us from many sources: from school, from parents, even from political figures referring to "traditional values". Hard work, family loyalty, and the capacity to postpone desires are core American values that have made our country great.

3 自相矛盾的情况还有,我们每天都收到彼此相左的两种信息。 一种从“纵容”的角度,让我 们“买东西,花钱,现在就得到它。你需要这个!” 另外一种,我们可称之为“正直”的信息, 它力劝我们:“努力工作,把钱存起来。控制你的欲望,不要买奢侈品,不要垂涎那些你并 不真正需要的东西。” 这类信息来源甚多,有学校方面的,有家长方面的,甚至还来自提及 传统价值观的政治人物。 艰苦创业,忠于家庭、能推迟欲望是美国价值观的核心,它使我 们的国家变得强大。

4 But the opposite message, advertising's permissive message, is inescapable. Though sometimes disguised, the messages are everywhere we look: on TV, in movies on printed media and road signs, in stores, and on busses, trains and subways. Advertisementsinvade our daily lives. We are constantly surrounded by the message to spend, spend, spend. Someone recently said, "The only time you can escape advertising is when you're in your bed asleep!"

4 但相反的信息,即那些纵容人们不断花钱的广告,无所不在。 虽然此类信息有时经过了 乔装打扮,但仍随处可见,电视、电影、印刷媒介和路牌、商店,及公共汽车、火车和地铁 上,比比皆是。 广告侵入了我们的日常生活。 我们时时被包围在花钱,花钱,花钱的信息 中。最近有人说:“唯一可以逃脱广告的时候是当在床上睡着时!”

5 It's been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million. Each advertisement is doing its utmost to influence our diverse buying decisions, from the breakfast cereal we eat to whichcruise line we will use for our vacation. There is no shortage of ideas and things to buy! Now, of course, we don't remember exactly what the products were, but the essential message is cemented into our consciousness, "It's good to satisfy your desires. You should have what you want. You deserve the best. So, you should buy it — now!" A famous advertisement said it perfectly, "I love me. I'm a good friend to myself. I do what makes me feel good. I derive pleasure from nice things and feel nourished by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore. Today I'll buy new ski equipment, look at new compact cars, and buy that camera I've always wanted. I live my dreams today, not tomorrow."

5 据计算,普通的美国人到 18 岁时,会看过 60 万则广告;到 40 岁时,看过的广告总数近 百万。 每个广告都在尽最大努力影响我们形形色色的购买决定——从我们吃的早餐麦片到 我们的假期将使用哪条邮轮线路。 决不会缺少怎么花钱和买什么东西的广告! 现在,我们 当然不能确切地记得广告上的产品,但重要的信息已凝聚在我们的意识里:“要满足你的愿 望。你应该拥有你想要的。你应该得到最好的。所以,你应该买下它——现在!”一个着名 的广告诠释得很完美:“我爱自己。我是自己的好朋友。我做让我感觉舒服的事。我从精美 的东西里得到乐趣,并感觉到它们给我的滋养。我过去常想着等一下再买,现在再也不会了。今天,我会购买全新的滑雪装备,看看新型的小巧灵便的轿车,买下那台我一直想要的相机。 我今天就要实现我的梦想,不会等到明天。”

6 What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages? What are the psychological and social consequences of this campaign to control our spending habits? On one hand, we want more things because we want to satisfy our material appetite. Most of us derive pleasure from treating ourselves. On the other hand, a little voice inside us echoes those upright messages: "Watch out, takestock of your life, don't let your attention get scattered. Postpone your desires. Don't fall into debt. Wait! Retain control over your own life. It will make you stronger."

6 当我们接受这些相互矛盾但很明确的信息时,会有什么事情发生呢? 这种控制我们花钱 习惯的宣传活动会造成什么心理和社会上的影响呢? 一方面,我们希望买更多的东西,来 满足我们的物质欲望。 我们中的大多数通过善待自己来得到乐趣。 与此同时,我们身体里 面有一个微弱的声音与那些正直的信息在共鸣:“当心,要掂量掂量自己的生活,不要让注 意力分散。推迟欲望。不要陷入债务。要等待!保留对自己生活的控制权。这会让你更坚强。 ”

7 Anyway, many of the skills you need as a successful student can be applied to your finances. Consider your financial well-being as a key ingredient of your university education as money worries are extremely stressful and distracting. They can make you feel terrible and hinder your ability to focus on your prime objective: successfully completing your education.

7 总之,一个成功的学生所需要的很多技能可以应用到你的财务中去。 把良好的财务状况 看成是大学教育中的一个关键因素,因为对金钱的担忧会让人倍感压力,并让人分心。 它 们会让你感觉很糟糕,并阻止你专注首要目标,即成功完成学业。

8 How can you be a smart and educated consumer? Many schools, community organizations, and even some banks offer financial literacy classes. Consider consulting with your school's financial aid office or seek input from your parents or other respected adults in setting up a budget. An additional option is finding a partner to help you stay on track and find pleasure in the administration of your own financial affairs. Most importantly, if you find yourself getting into financial trouble, don't let your ego get in your way; urgently get help with tackling your problem before it spins out of control and lands you in legal troubles.

8 怎样才能成为一个聪明、有相关知识的消费者呢? 许多学校、社区组织,甚至一些银行 都提供金融扫盲班。可以考虑向学校的财务援助办公室咨询,或向父母或其他值得尊敬的成 年人请教如何建立一个预算方案。 另外一个选择是找一个合作伙伴来帮你保持良好的财务 状况,并在管理自己的金融事务中找到乐趣。 最重要的是,如果你发现自己正陷入财务困 境,不要让你的自大妨碍你,在情况变得失控并惹上法律麻烦前,赶紧寻求帮助来解决问题。

9 All this will help you become an educated consumer and saver. As you learn to balance spending and saving, you will become the captain of your own ship,steering your life in a successful and productive direction through the choppy waters.

9 这一切都将帮助你成为一个拥有相关知识的消费者和储蓄者。 学会了如何平衡支出和储 蓄,你就会成为你自己的船长,驾驶着你的生活之船,乘风破浪,驶向成功和富有。




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